vandaag open tot 18:00
Stadionweg 184, 1077 TC Amsterdam
020 6797974
Consider The Building your home away from home—a welcoming space where you can get a red carpet-worthy blowout, your roots touched up or totally transformed. It’s up to you.
The Building was founded in 2013 by three friends: Rachel, Estella and Adriana. They were looking for work space that could accommodate their passion for hair and love for fashion. But there wasn’t anything out there that satisfied their needs. This magical place simply didn’t exist.
So we created it.
The Building is a homey place where our hair-obsessed family gathers to bring out your best you. We’re here to create great hair that matches your personality and emphasizes your unique features. With the right pro (us!) bad hair days are a thing of the past.
Life is hard. Looking good should be easy.
Op het profiel van The Building AMS vind u informatie als: adres gegevens (straat, huisnummer, postcode en woonplaats). Ook kunt u hier zien wat het telefoonnummer van The Building AMS is, namelijk 0206797974.
The Building AMS is een kapsalon, ook wel salon of kapperszaak genoemd, in Amsterdam welke is gespecialiseerd in wassen, knippen, kleuren en service.
Plan je route naar The Building AMS in Amsterdam door de link boven de kaart te klikken.
Iedere kapperszaak aangesloten bij Haar.Expert staat bekend voor hun uitstekende service en klant vriendelijke personeel.